PreSonus CS18AI + RM32AI + AVB @ 96kHz = No Audio (FIX)
Here’s how to get audio from a 96kHZ session using PreSonus gear.

On a recent session, I was given 24-bit 96kHz stems to which I need to add acoustic guitar. Since I nearly always record 24-bit 48kHz, the higher sample rate is not familiar territory for me, but it didn’t seem like it would be an issue.
To set up for the session, I switched both my RM32AI and Pro Tools to the higher sample rate and restarted Pro Tools. I thought that was enough.
On the CS18AI I could see the meters bouncing, but no audio was passing to the speakers. I tried switching back to 48kHz and everything worked fine. Audio simply would not pass through at 96kHz.
After troubleshooting using every bit of Google foo I knew, I finally found a forum post that enlightened me. One of the shortcomings of AVB networking is that it can only pass audio at 48kHz or lower sample rates. Boom.
I had been using the monitor outputs of the CS18AI to send mains audio to my studio speakers. The CS18AI receives it’s audio feed via AVB, which is why audio was passing fine at 48kHz, but not 96kHz.
The fix was simple: unplug the cables from the monitor outputs of the CS18AI and plug them into main outputs of the RM32AI. Problem solved.
Here’s hoping this prevents some hair-pulling frustration for you.
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